Monday, February 23, 2009

Football: Papin, sponsor luxurious Mayotte

L? Official announcement in January-end of the arrival of Jean-Pierre Papin on? Island was d? Initially surprised, but extremely pleased, more? One. Arrived last Monday, l? Former star of? Olympique de Marseille from AC Milan and Bordeaux and now patron of many sport Mayotte met with the local population, and in particular young footballers.
EGenda living of French football, Jean-Pierre Papin has made happy on Mayotte during his stay, will continue to sign autographs to the young and big and posing in front of hundreds? cameras and cameras. For many Mahorais, l? Is essential, JPP is in the box: "Every kid, I was looking to play our little TV. J? Was with my father, a true passion for? And OM JPP. Aujourd? Today, it? is more here, but I j?'ve been lucky? have been able to discuss and take a picture with him. Frankly, I don? there never would have thought! "says Ali Boina thrilled.
This "chance", c? Is l? School football Baobab, which is to? Origin. "L? Last year, we? Have unfortunately not been able to organize day schools football as we did every year. And to mark the coup in 2009, we had a guest of prestige for the sponsor? Action . As an avid football and was a striker when I played, I?'ve opted for Jean-Pierre Papin, "says Said Abdourraquib Houssen. It states that n? Could have done without the support of the technical direction of the football league - CTR Guillaume Brouste in particular - and the partners involved.
Thus, landed in JPP? Pamandzi Airport Monday afternoon. Club currently on holiday and therefore, l? Former coach of Strasbourg RC Lens and has made many visits, made numerous trips. His guide, but also long-time friend William Brouste introduced the winners in a special atmosphere at the town hall Mamoudzou.
The EFB successful gamble
On Monday evening in the marriage room, after the past? Afternoon during with chicks, JPP educators meeting of Mayotte with which it exchanges the time? Half an hour. Abdourahamane Soilihi, the mayor of the capital opened the evening with his speech, there is no lack of stress "and simplicity? Humanity JPP are the only international s? Mayotte to be moved."

Tuesday, Jean-Pierre Papin visit the various structures of the sport? Island before to participate in a like, dark. Considering the next morning to? Inn roundabout, where? Angalia agency organized a press conference to present its activities in 2009, it unfortunately can not make the trip: "JPP is sick," says on in the restaurant. "C? Is certainly the spice of the day, assumed the top scorer in Ligue 1, 1988 to 1992. A day visitor compromised prestige, but it will recuperate for the afternoon before the tournament football schools, main reason for coming to Mayotte.
Installed in the gallery, will host all JPP afternoon his fans, starting with children. All generations parade to get an autograph, a picture or exchange a few words. Some, most enthusiasts do not hesitate to tighten the fort, which amuses the centerpiece of a "stay"? their star as always. By early evening, Jean-Pierre Papin closed the tournament by handing the Devils Black (finalist) then Labattoir FC (winner) trophies and attends the game between the old and the FCM to the OIDFA Friendly educators football (EFS), "It was a great experience for me to come to Mayotte, conclude there so very brief. Party yesterday with some gifts as a bonus, it can be sure to have many happy on the island.
Ichirac Mahafidhou

Monday, February 16, 2009

The crisis exacts Yesterday

financial crisis exploded one after the other bubbles in the beginning of the decade, largely due to the U.S. Federal Reserve which was established after 11 September 2001, access to credit history easy and cheap.

The excesses to which this period of easy money has given free rein caused the disaster that is known in the financial sector. But the credit bubble has resulted in another: that of mergers and acquisitions. Funding flowed like water in 2006 and 2007, including bank loans, bonds purchased by investors or capital also sold without difficulty on the market. Consequence: during the single year 2007, the acquisitions or alliances of companies have achieved in the world, the new level of 3 900 billion.

For some companies that are indiscriminate in this game of big maneuvers, landing today is brutal. Many of them are facing two types of errors they have committed. The first is to have paid too much the object of their lust. The second of badly put together their financing, at a time when the subject seemed secondary.

Tom McKillop, the former chairman of Royal Bank of Scotland, acknowledged Monday that buying ABN Amro had been a "serious mistake", "overpaid" to boot. An understatement! RBS has spent more than 27 billion euros for its share of the Dutch bank (acquired with Fortis and Santander). In its balance sheet at 31 December 2008, the "ABN Amro, RBS has already planned to remove 15 to 20 billion in value. In summary, by adding the operational losses, RBS, or less, lost everything in this operation

The error is to believe that the phenomenon is unique to banks. The 2008 companies that publish at this time to pay the world, everywhere, to a heavy depreciation. Time Warner has recorded for 24.5 billion, Alcatel-Lucent for nearly 4 billion. For assets purchased yesterday based on growth assumptions, although reasonable, do the same thing today: their prospects for profitability are more or less severely curtailed by the recession.

For some businesses that were operating in 2006, 2007 and early 2008, the problem of the price is sometimes double difficulties of the financial data they have selected when this aspect of things going on in the background. The example of mining giant Anglo-Australian Rio Tinto is a textbook case. When he offered the Canadian Alcan (Pechiney owner), he put on the table 40 billion in cash, largely developed by the banks. But for 10 billion, the loan must be repaid in one year. Rio Tinto bet it could easily restructure the loan ... or sell assets to repay it.

The explosion of the bubble material, which was the fortune of ephemeral Rio Tinto, has happened. The financial crisis, who has eliminated the possibility of credit, access to the bond market, as well as potential buyers of assets. The giant is now strangled by debt, to the point of having to open the door of its capital and its mines in China Chinalco. Similarly, the family German Schaeffler pays too dearly for his boldness yesterday. He took control of the OEM Continental, twice as big as him. At the cost of debt that forces him to a painful negotiation with its bankers.

Examples of asphyxiation multiply. Between debtors and creditors, on Friday 13 February should also launch a major season of tense negotiations. Because borrowers generally have 45 days after the order of their annual accounts to serve their bankers that they comply with the conditions of their loans. A test of truth today feared by predators yesterday.

Tokyo Bids for 2016 Olympics

Monday, February 9, 2009

Monday, February 2, 2009

Nadal beat Federer again in the finals of the prestigious tournament

In the decisive battle Spaniard, the first racquet of peace, principled opposition to beat Swiss Roger Federer, was sown by the second number in Australia. Fight, which lasted 4 hours and 22 minutes, ended with the score 7:5, 3:6, 7:6 (7:3), 3:6, 6:2 in favor of Nadal.

As expected, the meeting turned out to be an exciting and extremely tense. Nadal victory in the first and third given a little harder than Federer, but crucially of the Spaniard put in motion all of the remaining reserves and deservedly won.

Curiously, on the total number of won balls Nadal Federer yielded one point: 173:174. He also gave way to the Swiss won in the balls (50:71), but allow fewer errors (41:64).

Account of personal meetings after the finals was the 13:6 in favor of the Spaniards. Federer last outplay Nadal at the end of 2007 at the final tournament in Shanghai. After that he lost five matches in succession, all of which were final.

This is the first defeat of Federer in the final championship of Australia. Prior to that, he played three matches in the Main (2004, 2006 and 2007) and in all cases to win.

For Nadal it was the first trophy at Melbourne Park, while he played here five times. In total he has six titles in tournaments Greater helmet. Apart from the Australian Open, he won four times "Roland Garros" and one SS Wimbledon.

Regarding Federer, then it has not been able to reach the legendary Pita Sampras on the number of victories in tournaments Greater helmet. The American won 14 of them, while Federer is 13.

ATP Monte Carlo 2008 - Federer VS Nadal