Monday, November 24, 2008

Medvedev: Russian APC in the light of the crisis could increase its contribution to world food basket

President of Russia Dmitry Medvedev believes that Russia's -industrial-complex global financial environment and the food crisis good prospects, both domestically and in foreign markets, RIA "Novosti".

"Russia has its own, and enough solid opportunities reserves in order to minimize the risks of global financial crisis - and not just financial, because the global financial crisis imposed and the food crisis" - said Medvedev at a meeting on Wednesday with members of the Russian agrarian movement.

"At the same time, this creates some additional prospects for the Russian APC, because, given these trends, our country can in this situation to increase its contribution to world food basket", - said Russian President.

- Medvedev criticized the agency for " taxation" of farmers with access to trading networks

According to him, of course, Russia must first resolve its internal targets, provide food itself, but must try to push into other markets.

"I am confident that under these conditions, difficult conditions, including due to slowing imports of food, our food market has every chance to grow well," - he said.

Reported that during the first nine months of this year's production facility in Russia grew a record pace in recent years at 6.5%, Medvedev said: "For us the most important task - to keep these rates and by improving the investment attractiveness of the industry, and through the implementation of infrastructure projects. " He acknowledged that currently there are difficulties with investments related to the cost of credit. According to him, this is the most serious deterrent.

"The -industrial complex and in general in our economy narrowed the possibility of replacing fixed assets from external sources, and the next year, many of them will have to carry out upgrading from their own resources", - the President.

Medvedev criticized the agency for " taxation" of farmers with access to trading networks

Dmitry Medvedev sharply criticized the agency for delays in preparing a law facilitating the access of farmers in the trading network news agency.

"Enough deal with nonsense. Dam orders that during the months, all the proposals made ", - the president said at the meeting on proma.

"I did this repeatedly said, still working in the government, and the so-called bonuses for entry into the trading network. In fact, we understand that for This beautiful word, in fact, conceals elementary taxation, as rural producers weak and can not compete with the commercial networks on an equal footing. Therefore, to find oneself attractive on with him fight these money "- explained Medvedev

"So we have this law, of course, obliged to accept -- he said.

Monday, November 17, 2008

The final battle of 'Doctor Tetanus'

Neither the bite of the - fly [which causes the so-called sleeping sickness], or malaria or dengue fever, have been able to dissuade Francois Gasse to abandons his personal battle against neonatal tetanus.

Senior Project Officer of UNICEF on immunization since 2000, also known as' Doctor Tetanus' [although he preferred the nickname 'Doctor '], is convinced that the war can touch to an end in 2010. It is considered eradicated the disease when the frequency of their occurrence is less than one child per 1,000 newborns.

But even today, despite the existence of a vaccine, 180,000 children and 30,000 mothers die every year from their cause. 90% of these deaths occur in 27 developing countries, most of Africa.

"I think it is feasible, cheap and also much easier to eliminate other diseases such as malaria. Since 1999, a total of 11 countries have succeeded in eliminating the disease," has insisted that member during the presentation in Madrid UNICEF's campaign 'A pack = A vaccine', which this year is' Together we can eliminate neonatal tetanus. "

It also involved the Dodot company, which donates a vaccine for each package purchased by parents Spanish between October and December. In the previous year, the company managed to raise eight million vaccines.

'If you've seen someone with tetanus not ever forget it'

Neonatal tetanus is an infectious disease caused by a germ called 'Clostridium ' or 'bacillus Nicolai', who lives in the land, in the faeces and manure and that it is incapable of producing the disease if it does not feed in the human body through a wound in the form inactive. When the tissue is contaminated certain conditions, primarily a lack of oxygen, it begins to germinate into active forms, secreting a toxin harmful to the nervous system.

Is when you start the spiral of suffering. "If you've seen someone with tetanus not ever forget it. CAUSE spasms in the muscles and all the slightest noise makes them convulsions. They are the worst convulsions known to medicine. The pain is immense and the body is so arch violence Some patients have come to fracture the spine, "he adds.

"Poor hygiene during childbirth (like cutting the umbilical cord with a dirty knife) and the traditions of many countries are the cause of tetanus in newborns. The African cover the navel with cow dung, while in Cambodia or Laos do with cobwebs, "recalls Dr. Gasse that, following touring 92 countries in its fight against neonatal tetanus, acknowledges that it is" easier and faster to end the disease with the vaccine to try to change cultural habits of peoples ".

Just enough to administer three doses of vaccine tetanus toxoid (TT) to women of childbearing age. "Once they are protected against tetanus and became pregnant convey immunity to newborns in the first two or three months after birth. Later, the baby should receive three doses of DPT (Diphtheria / Pertussis / Tetanus) in services routine immunization, "says the expert.

While Dr. Francois Gasse diminish the significance of the great difficulties involved in tetanus vaccination in some corners of the globe, the truth is that their work is performed by saving new obstacles every day.

"In Africa, for example, many women have not seen a needle in their lives and gives them fear. Others however are suspicious and think that we are going to inject so that they can not have children. But in Pakistan, problem is that men can not vaccinate women. In the end we managed to train 50,000 Feminists for that alongside 9,000 men, to carry out the immunization plan, "he says.

The total cost of immunization (three doses of vaccine, logistics and administration for his transfer) amounted to 1.50 euros. "If we continue to get support, I am sure we can meet the deadline marked. The important thing is that the world knows that this disease exists. He never spoke of it and is a real tragedy," concluded the "anti-Doctor."

10-21-06 回福太醫院打第3劑6合1疫苗(back hospital inject third vaccine)

Monday, November 10, 2008

The court repeatedly refused to release former Yukos lawyer Bakhmina

Zubov, Polyansky District Court of Canada last week repeatedly refused to Parole (UDO), a former Yukos lawyer Svetlana Bakhmina. As reported by Interfax Senior Assistant Antonina prosecutor Mordovia Devyataeva, 27 May 2008 Zubov, Polyansky Bakhmina Court refused to UDO for violating regime.

Note, according to the investigation, Bakhmina was former Yukos vice president Vasily Alexanyan, who recently court reduced the term of detention - for one day.

30 Jul, 2008 this decision was overruled by the Supreme Court of the Republic of Mordovia, and the case Bakhmina was sent to a new review of the composition of the court otherwise. September 10, Zubov, Polyansky court again refused Bakhmina in UDO, Devyataeva said, not specifying at this time the grounds for refusal.

- All FIGURES "the Yukos affair"

A source in judicial circles said that, as in the first time that a ground for refusal was the penalty for violation regime, which at the time of the court have already been removed and amortized.

According to the source, in its decision the Supreme Court of the Republic Griffith also noted that Bakhmina, located at the fourth month pregnancy, in the sentence "refers to work in good faith, is positive, has three thanks civil action in a criminal case had paid in full. "

Administration correctional institution believes that Bakhmina "does not need continue serving the sentence ", said the Supreme Court decision Mordovia. Lawyers Bakhmina declined to comment.

Former Yukos lawyer Svetlana Bakhmina was convicted 19 Apr., 2006 Simonovskim year, the district court in Moscow on charges of theft of property OAO Tomskneft and tax evasion and sentenced to 7 years 'imprisonment.

Cassation definition of the Moscow City Court on 24 August 2006, the sentence was changed, but the penalty is reduced to 6,5 years. To date, Bakhmina left in the conclusion of 3 years 9 months. He has two children, 7 and 11 years.

Monday, November 3, 2008

'The Madrid as a club for Franco, achieved what gave him the win'

And Ferguson, Sir Alex spoke. The coach of Manchester United, able to convince Cristiano Ronaldo to remain at Old Trafford when they saw it in Madrid and dressed in white, said in an interview published in the newspaper 'The Times' maneuvering of the Spanish club to bring to the Castellana best player in the world in 2008.

Ronaldo, the hero, became a villain after a summer of flirtation with Real Madrid. Ferguson has seen since the early front line of reconciliation in Britain and its star. "That chapter is finished," he said.

After his first sentence, begins to spread. First, the president of FIFA, Joseph Blatter, who months earlier had compared the player's contract situation with that of a slave. "I believe that Blatter is in danger ... or has reached a point where they laugh at him," he says. "Maybe it is becoming too old, I do not know. But the people with power you can move things. See if not for some dictators in Africa." Excuse me? "What I am trying to say is that from a position of great power, has delivered speeches ridiculous that you put in serious danger of damaging its credibility."

And the

Madrid? What does the head of the 'red devils'? "When we sold them to Heinze last summer, we knew what would happen, because Ronaldo was very close to him. I knew what they were doing. The Madrid was not interested in Heinze, a good footballer. Their ultimate goal was done with Ronaldo," complaint.

Recapitulation of events to Ferguson. Heated. Attacks. "What really obscene of all this is that Real Madrid as a club of General Franco, has a history before that democracy came to Spain, who wants to achieve and do what you want," he believes.

After the shooting, relaxes, remembers one of the greatest examples of football faithful who passed through his hands. "The British fans appreciate in particular the loyalty when a player comes from abroad," reflect. "For this reason, Eric Cantona is so loved here. If there was a player in this world made for United, this was Eric Cantona."

Ferguson always felt a weakness for the French genius. "I think Cantona spent their whole lives looking for someone to make you feel at home. He traveled to many countries; some people, like him, have some Gypsies, but when he arrived he learned that this was his site."

Do you have something in common Cristiano Ronaldo and Cantona? "When Cantona gives you the hand and looks you in the eye, intimidates you. Despite being so different, the virtue of Ronaldo is less recognized their value," acknowledges. "Courage? Of course. Courage in football, as in life, manifests itself in different ways. But the courage to move forward, no matter kicking received, identifies Ronaldo. Few players reach that level of delivery for winning the ball. "

Courage to retrieve the ball. But we also need to know to claim, maintaining it. "Ronaldo also has that ability, like all great players. As [George] Best, [Bobby] Charlton or Cantona. I would sack the corner, I shot the fault. But I keep the ball. I beat the enemy," reports.

In his more than 20 years in charge of United, Ferguson has known several players with tremendous determination. Not only Best, Cantona or Ronaldo. "[Paolo] Di Cani could have become a great player of Manchester. When you have a player with that charisma, like Best, [Ryan] Giggs, [Wayne] Rooney, Ronaldo or [Dimitar] Berbatov, it's easy to create heroes here" .

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