Monday, November 24, 2008

Medvedev: Russian APC in the light of the crisis could increase its contribution to world food basket

President of Russia Dmitry Medvedev believes that Russia's -industrial-complex global financial environment and the food crisis good prospects, both domestically and in foreign markets, RIA "Novosti".

"Russia has its own, and enough solid opportunities reserves in order to minimize the risks of global financial crisis - and not just financial, because the global financial crisis imposed and the food crisis" - said Medvedev at a meeting on Wednesday with members of the Russian agrarian movement.

"At the same time, this creates some additional prospects for the Russian APC, because, given these trends, our country can in this situation to increase its contribution to world food basket", - said Russian President.

- Medvedev criticized the agency for " taxation" of farmers with access to trading networks

According to him, of course, Russia must first resolve its internal targets, provide food itself, but must try to push into other markets.

"I am confident that under these conditions, difficult conditions, including due to slowing imports of food, our food market has every chance to grow well," - he said.

Reported that during the first nine months of this year's production facility in Russia grew a record pace in recent years at 6.5%, Medvedev said: "For us the most important task - to keep these rates and by improving the investment attractiveness of the industry, and through the implementation of infrastructure projects. " He acknowledged that currently there are difficulties with investments related to the cost of credit. According to him, this is the most serious deterrent.

"The -industrial complex and in general in our economy narrowed the possibility of replacing fixed assets from external sources, and the next year, many of them will have to carry out upgrading from their own resources", - the President.

Medvedev criticized the agency for " taxation" of farmers with access to trading networks

Dmitry Medvedev sharply criticized the agency for delays in preparing a law facilitating the access of farmers in the trading network news agency.

"Enough deal with nonsense. Dam orders that during the months, all the proposals made ", - the president said at the meeting on proma.

"I did this repeatedly said, still working in the government, and the so-called bonuses for entry into the trading network. In fact, we understand that for This beautiful word, in fact, conceals elementary taxation, as rural producers weak and can not compete with the commercial networks on an equal footing. Therefore, to find oneself attractive on with him fight these money "- explained Medvedev

"So we have this law, of course, obliged to accept -- he said.

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