Monday, January 26, 2009

Alonso and Sastre together

"Have you seen Carlos?" Fernando Alonso arrives at 9:00 am eager to meet your host and get on the bike. With the Cowboys down, look at the sky and into the reception of the exclusive villa, a residential estate with a golf course that looks to the beaches of Tavira. In a hurry, be at noon in the circuit of luso Portimao, 100 kilometers north, to review the tests to his Nelsinho Piquet made the new car.

Go to the call

Carlos Sastre, the winner of the Tour de France, who has invited you to go out and train with his new team, Cervelo. Champions the interests of both coincide. With the visit, Madrid made a favor to its sponsor that flashes through the pilot pulls the Formula 1. For its part, the Spaniard does not mind that some journalists review their leisure time in order to lend a hand to Taylor and, in turn, enjoy the privilege of shooting near the last owner of the Tour.

A stress test for him, even on the ambitious basketball. Moreover, thus meeting the rigorous training plan that continues in recent weeks to lose weight and gain muscle. Twofold: 1. Becoming a minimal burden on the car. 2. Take to pay full force at the wheel.

Previous day, while Nelsinho was leaving the pits on the R29, Alonso jumped to the track with his bike to make white Colnago kilometers. On Tuesday, it was omitted from the channels and became a professional in the Cervelo. A luxury for him. When I was a kid, summer naps did not exist. Like many Spaniards, elderly or small, the rest was changed to see Miguel Indurain devouring mountains.

'How much will I stand? "

Known ports

Half of Europe memory, come to shoot with professional Asturians and defeated the Angliru and the season continues with the quest. If your people want to get birthday, you should seek maillots champions he admires. How would reject the proposed Sastre.

Two athletes, who met in December in the match beneficial Casillas and Nadal was embraced at the entrance of the hotel. "Do you have clothes?" Asks Carlos. "Yes, do not worry," replied the newcomer. Alonso is a single line, dark shoes rider. Cervelo indicates the program for two hours the morning shift and a half route, with Alonso embedded in their ranks.

After lunch, it's time to take the time trial bike. "How much will I stand? 10 or 15 kilometers, I guess," said the pilot with false modesty. [Aguant three hours, according to sources in the cycling team].


Alonso applied to photos with curiosity and asked for the wheels and tubular carbon fiber, the material from which cars are built. Keep a canister of water and adjusting the helmet. "Are you ready? We strongly," he warns Sastre. "Sure," replies the pilot before dropping to roll along the roads leading the squad in the Algarve.

Alonso se entrena con Carlos Sastre un día antes de su primer test con el r29

Monday, January 19, 2009

The vessel Faina, captured by pirates Seven crew members feel bad

At the Ukrainian ship Faina, seized by Somali pirates on Sept. 25, 2008, seven crew members feel bad, they need medical assistance. This is today, with reference to sources in Somalia and Kenya, said the chief editor of the Internet edition of the Sea Bulletin - Sovfraht Mikhail Voitenko.

The bulletin says that they have sores on the body and diarrhea, the pirates negotiate with local doctors on the inspection of people. "This information confirms the program coordinator Andrew Seamen Mvangura from Kenya.

He said that with the crews of other vessels is a rare case, "they take out from time to time on the beach, where the sailors even play football, or go fishing with them, but the case of special Faina, pirates, more than ever careful and wary of attempts by force the release of the vessel. "

On board the Faina tanks T-72, anti-aircraft guns and ammunition. The crew of the ship consists of 17 Ukrainians, two Russians and citizens of Latvia.

In "Sea Bulletin also reported that in 2008 in the world, the pirates were captured 49 ships, taken hostage 889 sailors. During the attack, opened fire on 46 ships, 32 sailor were injured, 11 killed, 21 missing.

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Monday, January 12, 2009

In Russia for 3 years maniacs committed more than 500 killings, most of which are not disclosed

In Russia, the serial killers carried out more than five crimes in the past three years. Most of them committed against children and remain unsolved.

More than 500 murders committed in Russia over the past three years, the serial criminals maniacs leads statement chairman of the Investigation Committee, with the Prosecutor's Office (UPC), Alexander Bastrykina.

"Only in the last three years in Russia, more than 500 homicides, falling under the signs of" Serial "- refers to the official website of the UPC Russia.

According to official statistics, in 2007-2008 revealed the killing of 132, comprising 11 episodes. "A particularly egregious and disappointing is the fact the series of crimes where the victims are children - Bastrykin added. - More than 1,5 thousands of teenagers have become victims of crime."

Such crimes have heightened public danger, the head of the UPC.

According to him, the very fact of committing a series of similar criminal acts reflecting both the focus and offender seeking to deliberately and with impunity, causing serious harm to large numbers of casualties, and the complexity of the disclosure of such crimes, the identification and denunciation of the offender.

UPC, in collaboration with other law enforcement agencies of the Russian Federation in this regard is involved in the development of specific preventive measures at the federal level, he added Bastrykin.

"Juveniles account for almost half of the number of victims of violent crimes of a sexual nature, are every fourth victim of rape, each of the third victim, engaged in prostitution," - chairman of UPC.

According to prosecutors, over the past five years in Russia almost sevenfold increase in the "number of violent sexual crimes against children under the age of 16. A boy suffering from non-violent homosexual acts, was 14 times greater.

"In total, over the period 2005 - 2007's left more than 320 unsolved murders of minors," - found Bastrykin.

He noted that the investigation of crimes against minors, including those of past years, UPC has given special attention.

"The investigation of crimes against children is carried out with great care and always in the special control guidance Investigations Committee, regardless of how much time has passed since the commission of a crime - said Bastrykin. - UK is doing everything possible to ensure that no criminal to life and the health of the child is not left unpunished. "


Monday, January 5, 2009

In Nazran fired at a hotel in Karabulake burned shop

Unknown on Saturday fired at a hotel in Nazran, a town in Ingushetia - Karabulake after a similar attack burned the store, the victims in both cases not reported on Sunday by calling a source in law enforcement region.

According to him, a private hotel "Fortress" on main street fired from a car "Zhiguli" the morning of Saturday, at the scene found 80 cartridges of various .

A few hours later in Karabulak in the streets came under fire Oskanova grocery store. After more than 150 rounds at the building, unknown to his set.

"The two incidents affected not. Buildings suffered substantial damage" - said the source, adding that started the search for criminals.

Fire on 245th South of Pella, Iowa