Monday, January 12, 2009

In Russia for 3 years maniacs committed more than 500 killings, most of which are not disclosed

In Russia, the serial killers carried out more than five crimes in the past three years. Most of them committed against children and remain unsolved.

More than 500 murders committed in Russia over the past three years, the serial criminals maniacs leads statement chairman of the Investigation Committee, with the Prosecutor's Office (UPC), Alexander Bastrykina.

"Only in the last three years in Russia, more than 500 homicides, falling under the signs of" Serial "- refers to the official website of the UPC Russia.

According to official statistics, in 2007-2008 revealed the killing of 132, comprising 11 episodes. "A particularly egregious and disappointing is the fact the series of crimes where the victims are children - Bastrykin added. - More than 1,5 thousands of teenagers have become victims of crime."

Such crimes have heightened public danger, the head of the UPC.

According to him, the very fact of committing a series of similar criminal acts reflecting both the focus and offender seeking to deliberately and with impunity, causing serious harm to large numbers of casualties, and the complexity of the disclosure of such crimes, the identification and denunciation of the offender.

UPC, in collaboration with other law enforcement agencies of the Russian Federation in this regard is involved in the development of specific preventive measures at the federal level, he added Bastrykin.

"Juveniles account for almost half of the number of victims of violent crimes of a sexual nature, are every fourth victim of rape, each of the third victim, engaged in prostitution," - chairman of UPC.

According to prosecutors, over the past five years in Russia almost sevenfold increase in the "number of violent sexual crimes against children under the age of 16. A boy suffering from non-violent homosexual acts, was 14 times greater.

"In total, over the period 2005 - 2007's left more than 320 unsolved murders of minors," - found Bastrykin.

He noted that the investigation of crimes against minors, including those of past years, UPC has given special attention.

"The investigation of crimes against children is carried out with great care and always in the special control guidance Investigations Committee, regardless of how much time has passed since the commission of a crime - said Bastrykin. - UK is doing everything possible to ensure that no criminal to life and the health of the child is not left unpunished. "

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