Monday, December 1, 2008

Hamas persuaded radicals in Gaza have not yet bombard Israel missiles

Ruling in the Gaza Strip, Hamas, has entered into an agreement with radical factions in the Gaza Strip to stop launching rockets into neighboring Israeli territory and return to perform the contract for the truce, a prisoner for more than five months ago, reports .

Spokesman of Hamas in the Gaza Strip, Ayman Taha explained to journalists that the leaders of Hamas "had contact with the Egyptian mediator, who conveyed the desire of the Israeli side to return to ." In exchange, the Israeli authorities have promised to open border crossings to allow international humanitarian aid, fuel and consumer goods, vanishing from the shops stores Palestinian enclave.

"We met with (Palestinian) factions in Gaza, transferred the request of Cairo. Factions expressed their desire to alleviate the blockade on the people by returning to compliance with calm, which expires in about a month" - said Taha, confirming that the extension of the truce had not been addressed.

In doing so, he said, Palestinian factions reserve the right to respond to every violation by Israel by launching rockets into its territory.

Fragile truce in the Gaza Strip, in force since 19 June this year, was breached on 5 November, when Palestinian militants resumed heavy shelling of adjacent areas of Israel in response to Israeli military incursion into the Gaza Strip.

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