Monday, March 23, 2009

In Slovakia, for the presidency acting head of state and candidate of the "right" opposition

In Slovakia, during the Saturday first round of presidential elections, none of the seven candidates had been unable to secure the necessary support to win voters.

According to preliminary data, in the second round, which will be held on April 4, has the current head of state Ivan Gaparovi and candidate of the right of parliamentary opposition to the ex-Minister of Labor of the Republic Iveta Radichova. They have collected 46.71 and 38.05 per cent votes respectively.

Ivan Gaparovi, which, as predicted, independent Bratislava politicians, has the greatest chances to be re-elected for a second five-year presidential term, based on the active support of the current government coalition parties - Direction - Social Democracy and the Slovak National Party.

Put forward the candidacy of Iveta Radichovoy "Slovak Democratic and Christian Union - Democratic Party (SDHU-DP). SDHU-DP led by former Prime Minister Mikulas Dzurinda.

Daschle nominated to head HHS, appeals to Americans for input

Monday, March 16, 2009

Metallurg sent Hockey "Atlanta" on vacation

Magnitogorsk Metallurg, winning on his ice near Moscow Atlant in with the score 4:2 in the fourth match of 1 / 4 final Cup Gagarin, the dispute will continue to honor the trophy, but for Mytishchi club season has been completed.

Account in the meeting, which can be recognized as one of the most spectacular in the current play-off, opened the curtain first period - Defender owners Vladimir Little realized numerical advantage.

Guests who have been where you want to win, play in the middle of the second - distinguished Alexander Nesterov, putting a stick flying in the washer opponent - 1:1.

"Metallurg" came next, again using the extra player: Tomas Rolinek stabbed accurate shot in the near corner of completing the repeal of the combination of its five - 2:1.

In the final third of the newly leveled the game through the fourth part of "Atlanta": Alexander Boikov sent washer, cannon after throwing all the same Nesterova, exactly in the "house" Ilya Proskuryakovu - 2:2.

However, this effect lasted not for long: soon Alexei Kaigorodov left alone in front of the gate, and guests at point-blank shot Ray Emery - 3:2.

Subsequently, the coach "Atlanta" Fedor Kanareykin made every attempt to save the game, including the end of the meeting has replaced their goalie for a field player, but ended it by the fact that Nicholas Zavaruhin sent washer empty gate - 4:2 victory "Magnitogorsk, which becomes the third semifinal of the first Cup Gagarin.

Recall earlier trips to the semifinal in Moscow provided a "Dynamo" and Yaroslavl "Locomotive", and the last semi-defined in the confrontation between Kazan "Ak Bars" and Omsk Avangard.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Fighting cholesterol prevents sex, found scientists from the USA

Most popular now drugs not only reduce cholesterol levels in the blood of people, but also prevent them from enjoying sex. That officer found the Medical Faculty of the University of California - San Diego Beatrice Golomb, the with a link to USA Today.

As a result of the Golomb six-month study revealed that this side effect is most evident in men: the most effective drug on the basis of alleviate their sexual feelings almost doubled. Pravastatin is virtually no effect on the sexual sphere, but also in the fight against cholesterol is not as effective.

Scientists differ in opinion on the nature of this side effect. Golomb connects it with caused a decrease of Q10. At the same time, neurobiology Barry Komisaruk believe that all the fault of leaking into the brain chemical processes that have yet to explore.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Levada-Center ": Russians think Medvedev Putin's continuing policy

Dmitry Medvedev in the majority of Russian citizens is sympathetic, and attitude toward it for a year after the election of the President of the Russian Federation has not changed, according to data Research Levada-Center ", published in Moscow.

Of the 1600 participants in all-Russian survey, which was held in February in anticipation of the first anniversary of the election of Medvedev to the highest office in the State, at the request of the president described as sociologists, they are the most attractive, 43% of respondents pointed to the experience, energy, determination, integrity Medvedev.

27% stated his leadership qualities, ability to compromise, vision and ability to lead people, knowledge of life and understanding of the needs of ordinary people. 15% of Russians believe that Medvedev - the man who is capable of maintaining order and ensure stability in the country.

The majority of respondents (60%) could not mention weaknesses Medvedev, while some pointed to the lack of "bright political qualities" (9%), others on the "indecisiveness" (3%) or "short" (2%).

However, about 70% of Russians, according to the Levada Center, said during the interview that their relationship over the past year the President has not changed, but the 12% it had improved (13% said the opposite).

Medvedev seems to most Russians continuer policies initiated by his predecessor Vladimir Putin - so finds 86% of those surveyed. In this half of citizens believe that the real power in the country at the present time it is in their hands, a poll showed.