Monday, March 23, 2009

In Slovakia, for the presidency acting head of state and candidate of the "right" opposition

In Slovakia, during the Saturday first round of presidential elections, none of the seven candidates had been unable to secure the necessary support to win voters.

According to preliminary data, in the second round, which will be held on April 4, has the current head of state Ivan Gaparovi and candidate of the right of parliamentary opposition to the ex-Minister of Labor of the Republic Iveta Radichova. They have collected 46.71 and 38.05 per cent votes respectively.

Ivan Gaparovi, which, as predicted, independent Bratislava politicians, has the greatest chances to be re-elected for a second five-year presidential term, based on the active support of the current government coalition parties - Direction - Social Democracy and the Slovak National Party.

Put forward the candidacy of Iveta Radichovoy "Slovak Democratic and Christian Union - Democratic Party (SDHU-DP). SDHU-DP led by former Prime Minister Mikulas Dzurinda.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

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