Monday, March 9, 2009

Fighting cholesterol prevents sex, found scientists from the USA

Most popular now drugs not only reduce cholesterol levels in the blood of people, but also prevent them from enjoying sex. That officer found the Medical Faculty of the University of California - San Diego Beatrice Golomb, the with a link to USA Today.

As a result of the Golomb six-month study revealed that this side effect is most evident in men: the most effective drug on the basis of alleviate their sexual feelings almost doubled. Pravastatin is virtually no effect on the sexual sphere, but also in the fight against cholesterol is not as effective.

Scientists differ in opinion on the nature of this side effect. Golomb connects it with caused a decrease of Q10. At the same time, neurobiology Barry Komisaruk believe that all the fault of leaking into the brain chemical processes that have yet to explore.

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