Monday, March 2, 2009

Levada-Center ": Russians think Medvedev Putin's continuing policy

Dmitry Medvedev in the majority of Russian citizens is sympathetic, and attitude toward it for a year after the election of the President of the Russian Federation has not changed, according to data Research Levada-Center ", published in Moscow.

Of the 1600 participants in all-Russian survey, which was held in February in anticipation of the first anniversary of the election of Medvedev to the highest office in the State, at the request of the president described as sociologists, they are the most attractive, 43% of respondents pointed to the experience, energy, determination, integrity Medvedev.

27% stated his leadership qualities, ability to compromise, vision and ability to lead people, knowledge of life and understanding of the needs of ordinary people. 15% of Russians believe that Medvedev - the man who is capable of maintaining order and ensure stability in the country.

The majority of respondents (60%) could not mention weaknesses Medvedev, while some pointed to the lack of "bright political qualities" (9%), others on the "indecisiveness" (3%) or "short" (2%).

However, about 70% of Russians, according to the Levada Center, said during the interview that their relationship over the past year the President has not changed, but the 12% it had improved (13% said the opposite).

Medvedev seems to most Russians continuer policies initiated by his predecessor Vladimir Putin - so finds 86% of those surveyed. In this half of citizens believe that the real power in the country at the present time it is in their hands, a poll showed.

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